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"It’s a scary thing trying to get help, but Wendy at Online Counselling took a lot of that anxiety and fear out of the equation. I was able to get personalised mental health support from the comfort of my own home."



Discover the Advantages of Online Therapy

Online therapy brings numerous benefits to individuals seeking support and guidance. One of its greatest advantages is accessibility, as it overcomes barriers such as geographical distance, limited mobility, or the absence of local mental health services. With online counselling and therapy, anyone can now easily access the help they need.

Some people find it daunting to discuss personal and sensitive issues face-to-face with a therapist. However, online counselling and therapy provide a solution by offering a certain level of anonymity. This anonymity empowers individuals to express themselves more openly, free from the fear of judgment or social stigma.

Moreover, online counselling and therapy ensure a continuity of care that can be challenging to maintain with traditional in-person sessions. Relocation or travel often disrupts the therapy process, requiring individuals to search for a new therapist in their new location. Online platforms eliminate this obstacle, enabling seamless therapy continuation even amidst frequent moves or travel. By preserving the therapeutic relationship and offering ongoing support during challenging times, this consistency contributes to better outcomes for individuals.

Experience the convenience, privacy, and unwavering support that online therapy provides. Begin your journey towards improved well-being today.

Unlock the Effectiveness of Online Therapy

If you're dealing with stress, relationship difficulties, bereavement, depression, anxiety, or any other mental health problem, online counselling or teletherapy could prove to be a highly effective solution.

Although online therapy is a relatively new form of delivery-of-treatment, current evidence suggests that it can be just as impactful as in-person therapy for many individuals. In fact, the comfort and security of talking from your own home may even make it easier for you to open up about your challenges. Moreover, online therapy offers the flexibility of connecting with Wendy Matthews, counsellor therapist from anywhere in the world, eliminating the expenses, travel time, and inconveniences associated with in-person meetings.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of online therapy hinges on the same factors that drive success in any therapeutic approach. The quality of connection you establish with your therapist, your willingness to open up, and the effort you invest in the process all play crucial roles. Attending your sessions is just the beginning—you must also apply what you learn to real-life situations and make healthy lifestyle changes that support your mood and emotional well-being. While no therapist, whether online or in-person, can do the hard work of healing and growth on your behalf, a skilled therapist like Wendy can leverage technology to help you gain fresh insights and transform your life for the better.

Unleash the potential of online therapy and embark on a journey of healing and personal development. Start today and witness the positive changes it can bring.

Discover How Online Therapy Works

At Online Counselling, we provide online therapy sessions using the Zoom video conferencing platform. To join your session, we will send you an email containing a link ahead of time. For those who prefer phone sessions, we also offer that option. To ensure a smooth experience, we recommend verifying your internet connection stability before your session to minimize any disruptions. Rest assured that our online therapy is designed to be accessible and convenient for you.

Whether you choose to use a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, you can easily participate in online therapy with Online Counselling. Just make sure that the device you select is equipped with a front-facing camera and a microphone, allowing for effective communication with your therapist.

Distance is no longer a barrier when it comes to accessing our online therapy services.

Join Wendy from the comfort of your preferred device, and experience the benefits of online therapy no matter where you are located. Begin your journey towards healing and growth today.

Establishing a Meeting Schedule that Supports Your Progress

To ensure the effectiveness of your treatment, regular meetings with your therapist are essential. Here's what you can expect regarding the frequency of sessions:

In most cases, patients typically meet with Wendy once a week. However, depending on your unique circumstances, meeting once every fortnight may also be suitable. During your initial sessions, Wendy will have a discussion with you to determine the frequency that works best for your specific needs and goals.

It's important to emphasize that meeting at least once every fortnight is a fundamental part of our standard of care and contributes significantly to successful treatment outcomes. Consistency plays a crucial role in developing a secure therapeutic relationship, fostering an environment of safety and trust. This, in turn, enables you to engage in deeper and more effective work with Wendy.

Rest assured that we prioritize your progress and well-being, and Wendy will collaborate with you to establish a meeting schedule that optimally supports your therapeutic journey. Together, we will work towards your growth and transformation.

Experience the power of regular sessions and the transformative impact they can have on your life. Embark on your path to healing and personal development today.

The Journey of Therapy: Time and Personal Growth

How long will it take? This raises an important question about the duration of therapy. At our practice, we believe in providing you with a realistic perspective, rather than offering false promises of quick fixes. True healing and self-discovery require a deeper process that extends beyond a brief timeframe.

While having a safe space to express and process your experiences can provide some initial relief, truly understanding your authentic self and unraveling the patterns that hinder your engagement with life takes time. It involves building a strong foundation between you and your therapist—a relationship built on trust, mutual understanding, and empathy. This process requires delicately peeling back the layers, encouraging you to take risks necessary for personal growth, and developing and implementing strategies for lasting change.

We understand that personal growth is an individual journey, and the time it takes will vary from person to person. There is no predetermined timeline. Instead, Wendy encourage an ongoing collaboration, allowing for continued growth and development. Together, we will navigate the path ahead and discuss what this journey means to you.

Embrace the journey of therapy as a space for sustained growth and transformation. Discover the insights, strategies, and self-discovery that will empower you to engage in life more authentically. Let us embark on this meaningful journey together.

Online Counselling's Holistic Approach to Therapy

If you're feeling stuck or facing challenges in various areas of your life, Online Counselling is here to support you. Whether you're grappling with depression, anxiety, heartbreak, or a sense that there's untapped potential within you, we understand these experiences. As a therapist, Wendy has personally navigated many of these paths and is dedicated to helping you release limiting beliefs and energy, connect with your purpose, and heal from your most painful experiences.

While traditional therapeutic methods often focus solely on talking about trauma or experiences, Wendy believes in a more comprehensive approach. She recognizes that words can only reveal part of the story, while the body holds the rest. Our practice goes beyond conventional talk therapy by integrating sensorimotor, psychodynamic, humanistic, and transpersonal perspectives. This holistic framework facilitates transformation from the inside out, allowing for a deeper and more profound healing journey.

Wendy at Online Counselling, embraces practices such as Breathwork, deep self-inquiry, and body interventions. These approaches ground you in the present moment and invite you to attentively observe your bodily sensations, feelings, and beliefs. By integrating the innate wisdom of the body, we can significantly enhance the healing process and facilitate self-discovery. You will witness firsthand how this integrative approach influences healing from discomfort and trauma, empowering you to embark on a transformative path.

Experience the power of our holistic and inclusive therapy approach. Embrace the connection between mind, body, and soul as we embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery together.

Connecting with Online Counselling Made Easy

To ensure seamless communication, we primarily connect with clients through the Zoom platform, a reliable and secure video conferencing tool. However, we understand that different individuals have varying preferences when it comes to online platforms. That's why we offer flexibility in our communication options. In addition to Zoom, we also utilize platforms such as Facetime and WhatsApp to accommodate your preferences.

Furthermore, if you prefer the convenience and comfort of phone counselling, we are delighted to offer that option as well. We aim to create an environment that best suits your needs and allows you to engage in therapy in a way that feels comfortable and accessible to you.

Connect with us effortlessly using the platform of your choice, be it Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp, or phone counselling. We are here to support you on your therapeutic journey and provide the flexibility you need for a meaningful and impactful counselling experience. Take the first step towards a brighter future by connecting with Online Counselling today.

Convenient Payment Options for Online Counselling

At Online Counselling, we strive to provide convenient and accessible payment options for our clients. We encourage you to consider using the Wise International money transfer service for a seamless and fee-free payment experience. Wise is a trusted platform that offers a user-friendly interface and allows for hassle-free international payments. With Wise, you can securely transfer funds for your sessions without incurring any additional fees.

We understand that different clients may have varying preferences or circumstances, so we are also open to utilizing other payment platforms. If you have a preferred payment method, please let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Our goal is to make the payment process as simple and straightforward as possible, ensuring that financial considerations do not become a barrier to accessing the support you need. Reach out to us to discuss your payment preferences, and we will work together to find the most suitable solution for you.

Experience the convenience and flexibility of our payment options as you embark on your therapeutic journey with Online Counselling.

Let us help you find care that's right for you.